The REAL Pocahontas (far less creepy than the legend)

November 9, 2015 @ 10:50 pm

I loved the Powerful Princess workshop I did yesterday, where eight excited girls dove into the REAL story of Pocahontas.
• She was nine years old when the English invader John Smith appeared in her village
• She did not fall in love with him and throw herself across his body to save him (his ego tended to inform stories he told later)
• She did think he would be her friend.
• Instead he burned her peoples’ villages.
• She angrily told him later when she traveled to England that she had stayed a loyal friend, and he hadn’t.
We talked about what loyal friends are.
The first picture is Pocahontas at home. The second is her traveling across the sea to England in European clothes that itched her.
